Advanced E-commerce Search Engine Optimization

All Chapters - Table of Contents for Sizzle: An E-commerce Revolution - Advanced E-commerce SEO - $24.99

E-commerce SEO Book by Lou Storiale
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View all chapters of the book, Sizzle: An E-commerce Revolution. Advanced E-commerce Search Engine Optimization.

Sizzle teaches everyone involved in the development of an effective e-commerce site to leverage the data already used on the site and easily create incentives, benefits, social proof, and useful content in Ad Copy, Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, H1, and Top-of-Page content that produces results.

Here is a list of all the chapters:

  1. What It Takes to Write Good Content 1
  2. Optimization Inflation 7
  3. Indirect Content Marketing Is Dead 9
  4. Get Ready for E-commerce 3.0 13
  5. What is Function-Driven Content? 24
  6. Functions, Variables, and Shortcodes 28
  7. Why Are Functions Useful? 32
  8. Page Segmentation 37
  9. Site Build-Out 49
  10. Adding Incentives & Benefits 71
  11. People React to Incentives & Benefits 76
  12. Labeling and Natural Language Processing 80
  13. List of Updatable, Specific, & Unique Information 96
  15. Anchor Text, Internal Linking, Link Equity Distribution 142
  16. Function-Driven Internal Linking Using an Array 146
  17. Conditional Statements = Useful Sentences 147
  18. Beyond Title Tags, Meta Descriptions, and H1 Tags 152
  19. Captions (Page Descriptions) 154
  20. World Class Backlink Strategy for E-commerce 162
  21. Specification-Driven Product Names 167
  22. Writing Sentences Using Specifications 180
  23. Segmentation (Product Types) 184
  24. Doing the Work 186
  25. Tracking Results 188
  26. How To Convince Stakeholders and Programmers 195

This is the new paradigm of e-commerce search engine optimization.

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Book Chapters Preview:

Chpt 1 | Chpt 2 | Chpt 3 | Chpt 4 | Chpt 5 | Chpt 6 | Chpt 7 | Chpt 8 | Chpt 9 | Chpt 10 | Chpt 11 | Chpt 12 | Chpt 13

Plus 13 More Chapters!